Day 5

Dear followers,

Today was "un temps de cochon" (awful weather). That's the French expression. I don't know yet what the learned pig has to do with the weather.

It was raining and it felt (with the wind) that it was 0°C.

The wind was about 80 kms/hour. It was a bit useless to carry an umbrella for the rain.

A limited walk (before I try to do tomorrow my first semi-marathon) for a limited description.

I'll use a "Haiku" (first ever):

The wind was so fast

That my nude legs were taking

the raindrops as shots.

Wish me luck for tomorrow.

Oh, and that's the fifth full report of my walk today:

From going by train to Riffelalp, to Riffelalp, to going to Riffelberg, to a very small village (which can still offer 30.000 beds), to snow, to what I did on Tuesday, to what I did yesterday, to Riffelberg and the arrival of the Marathon, to the return, to Hotel Riffelalp***** at 2222m. with its 365 days outdoor heated pool (to see the Matterhorn particularly in winter), to Landtunnel, to me and a useless umbrella, to flowers, to the "outskirts" of the village, to the departure of the Zermatt Marathon.

Day 5
Day 5
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Day 5
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Day 5
Day 5
Day 5
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Day 5
Day 5
Day 5
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